The Crowd was not so friendly at Joe Walsh's Town Hall meeting in Grayslake last night. About half of the crowd was disinclined to applaud Walsh's signature lines about repealing "Obamacare" and shutting down the government. One audience member even had the temerity to call him on his use of the "O" word. "You know it's not really called that, right?" she said.
Next, Walsh started attacking teacher's unions and teachers, the source of all evil, apparently. Several teachers got up to respond, one of whom Walsh intimidated into silence. Then a retired teacher got up to tell his story of being born in England but finding the opportunity for a satisfying teaching career in the United States. He had the question of the night, "Why are you so mean to anyone who doesn't agree with you?"
Walsh also squirmed under the questioning of several people who had looked closely at his voting record. Why did you vote against cutting funds for the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle, which the military doesn't want? "We can't weaken the military!" And why did you vote to allow funds for the Department of Defense to sponsor a NASCAR vehicle? "I was new in Congress -- he, he -- and they don't give us much time to think about these votes. It was a mistake!"
Sure it was, NASCAR Joe.
"I speaketh with forkith tongue"---JW 2011
Does anyone have a copy of the financial form Joe Walsh's campaign treasurer (his wife) failed to file on time? Knowing his condo was foreclosed on, and he was renting a home in Winnetka, when did he actually move into the 8th? His congressional bio says he "moved back" to McHenry. Does that mean he actually previously lived in McHenry? I know he grew up around here, but how long ago was that? This isn't Melissa Bean who got sliced right out of the district. Also, does anyone know why his license was suspended? What were his jobs? His resume reads like a recent poly-sci college graduate.
Just because he (barely) got elected doesn't mean we don't need to know these things. If anyone can help out and post some of what they know that would be great. Thanks.
I do know his license was suspended for driving without insurance.
What is it with Walsh and Insurance?
Does anyone have videos from his Town Halls?
Nascar Joe? You're actually helping his image by pushing that. Try sticking to the facts of WHO and WHAT he is - a guy trying to buy his way inside:
Walsh's Chief of Staff (Justin Roth), was a political hack and lobbyist for the Insurance and Bank lobby for many years. On January 5, 2011, Walsh started out as the poorest member of Congress - but has now raised almost $400,000 in the 1st Quarter of 2011. I wonder if Walsh ever explained any of this to his Tea Party followers in The Great Awakening, Barrington Tea Party, Palatine Tea Party, Northern Illinois Patriots, or the 9-12 Patriots. I'm guessing Walsh never mentioned it to his followers. Now you know why Justin Roth is Walsh's Chief of Staff.
Walsh's District Director (David Carlin), is another political hack. He already had at least one big political paycheck in DuPage County - and his connections to Pat Brady and Kirk Dillard made him valuable to Walsh. The Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Insiders think they now have instant credibility with all those Tea Party supporters through Walsh. Nothing could be further from the truth because the Tea Party Leaders are in the dark about the deal Walsh has cut with the IRP. Now you know why David Carlin is Walsh's District Director.
By the way, Walsh lent $28,500 - (supposedly his own money) to his campaign in 2010. You can verify this by looking at the FEC (Federal Election Commission) filings. So how did Walsh do that? Where did all that cash come from?
Walsh is broke. He wasn't even paying his bills. Walsh lost his expensive Evanston Condominium to Foreclosure just a year earlier. His highest ever income was once $35,000 for a single year. Walsh also has a few kids attending some very expensive Universities. So who's paying for that? Where is all this money coming from? Be prepared for more money stories from this clown.
One last item, if you look at any of his FEC filings, you will see what cash was raised, what bills were paid, and how much debt was still outstanding at the end of each Quarter. But if you flowchart the Walsh cash flow, it doesn't add up.
At the end of 2010, Walsh claimed he still had almost $400,000 in debts. And for the 1st Quarter of 2011, he raised almost $400,000 and spent about $100,000 including paying himself back on some personal loans to the campaign, but he also decided to skip out on almost all of the $400,000 in debt he had at the end of 2010. He is now disputing almost all of it.
Here is the website to look up the FEC reports yourself:
Insider Lake GOP
There's more coming about this guy.
I just found out that there are several years of his driving record that are now sealed. I never knew that was even possible.
And another thing, his ex-wife sent him a demand letter - (legal talk for "you owe me money and I'm going to sue you if you don't pay"). Those divorce records have also been sealed. Is this unreal?
And regarding David Carlin being hired as Walsh's 8th District Director, the word in the party is that the Illinois Republican Party (IRP) gets regular reports on what Walsh is up to (from Carlin). In other words, he's a babysitter and a spy. He's not a Tea Party guy or a supporter, and judging at how bad the communication is within the District office, he's not much of an administrator either. In return, Walsh accepted the promise of money to help paydown the $400,000.00 in debts and legal bills that piled up at the end of his campaign. Now you know the rest of the sage over Walsh's District office.
By the way, has anybody learned anything about how Walsh lent his campaign $28,500? For the disbelieving Tea Party faithful, you can verify this by looking at the FEC (Federal Election Commission) filings. So how did Walsh do that? Where did all that cash come from?
Walsh is still broke. Walsh lost his expensive Evanston Condominium to Foreclosure just a year earlier. He once made over $35,000 in a single year and his kids attend some very expensive Universities. So who's paying for that? Where is all this money coming from?
I think Walsh will land in jail before all this is over.
Here's how to find the FEC filings:
Insider Lake GOP
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