Today we start 57 days into Congressman Walsh's term. To bring you up to speed, Mr. Walsh voted to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act. A law that only 18% of Americans believe should be repealed. (H.R.1)
Mr Walsh who ran on a platform of less government voted to extend the government's intrusive "eaves dropping on Americans" (H.R. 514) , and most recently voted to block the Federal Communications Commission from enforcing new rules that prohibit broadband providers from interfering with Internet traffic on their networks. The rules prohibit phone and cable companies from favoring or discriminating against Internet content and services, including online calling services like Skype and Web video services like Netflix that could compete with their core operations. Mr Walsh along with other Illinois Representative sold you down the river to the giant Telecoms.
Today, Mr Walsh voted to add $21.9 billions dollars (21,900,000,000.00) to the deficit by repealing new reporting measures put in place as a result of the Affordable Health Care Law.
Mr Walsh who ran on a platform of less government voted to extend the government's intrusive "eaves dropping on Americans" (H.R. 514) , and most recently voted to block the Federal Communications Commission from enforcing new rules that prohibit broadband providers from interfering with Internet traffic on their networks. The rules prohibit phone and cable companies from favoring or discriminating against Internet content and services, including online calling services like Skype and Web video services like Netflix that could compete with their core operations. Mr Walsh along with other Illinois Representative sold you down the river to the giant Telecoms.
Today, Mr Walsh voted to add $21.9 billions dollars (21,900,000,000.00) to the deficit by repealing new reporting measures put in place as a result of the Affordable Health Care Law.
(H.R. 4)
Very typical of a man who is a genius at smoke n mirrors with his base.
Ok, I am no Joe Walsh fan and this blog is obviously anti Joe Walsh.
But this type of post is the problem with the country today. Totally misleading, totally uninformed, and totally reckless.
This bill repeals a law that mandated that ALL business report by 1099 any payments made over $600 dollars in one year.
I am a small business owner. Do you know how ridiculous this provision of Obama Care is? Does whoever is writing this blog have any brains whatsoever? What A JOKE!
That means that me as a one man shop would have to issue dozens and dozens of 1099 forms - to companies like CDW, Achusnet, Microsoft, American Airlines, just to name a few.
The cost to do this would be in the BILLIONS to business. The Office of Budget even admitted that the FED's cost to administer this would FAR surpass any "income" they may capture that they currently may not be capturing. To the tune of 20 BILLION dollars, which would also be paid by business.
It is the one of the most stupid laws ever passed, admittedly by those who passed it inside of ObamaCare.
Be partisan, rip this guy Walsh, but for goodness sake take you head out of your a**ES!
You guys should forget about defending Obamacare. It sucks and no one wants it, and we are finding out more problems with it.
Obama is garbage - but so is Walsh. All you have to do is stick to the facts:
Walsh's Chief of Staff (Justin Roth), was a political hack and lobbyist for the Insurance and Bank lobby for many years. On January 5, 2011, Walsh started out as the poorest member of Congress - but has now raised almost $400,000 in the 1st Quarter of 2011. I wonder if Walsh ever explained any of this to his Tea Party followers in The Great Awakening, Barrington Tea Party, Palatine Tea Party, Northern Illinois Patriots, or the 9-12 Patriots. I'm guessing Walsh never mentioned it to his followers. Now you know why Justin Roth is Walsh's Chief of Staff.
Walsh's District Director (David Carlin), is another political hack. He already had at least one big political paycheck in DuPage County - and his connections to Pat Brady and Kirk Dillard made him valuable to Walsh. The Illinois Republican Party (IRP) Insiders think they now have instant credibility with all those Tea Party supporters through Walsh. Nothing could be further from the truth because the Tea Party Leaders are in the dark about the deal Walsh has cut with the IRP. Now you know why David Carlin is Walsh's District Director.
By the way, Walsh lent $28,500 - (supposedly his own money) to his campaign in 2010. You can verify this by looking at the FEC (Federal Election Commission) filings. So how did Walsh do that? Where did all that cash come from?
Walsh is broke. He wasn't even paying his bills. Walsh lost his expensive Evanston Condominium to Foreclosure just a year earlier. His highest ever income was once $35,000 for a single year. Walsh also has a few kids attending some very expensive Universities. So who's paying for that? Where is all this money coming from? Be prepared for more money stories from this clown.
One last item, if you look at any of his FEC filings, you will see what cash was raised, what bills were paid, and how much debt was still outstanding at the end of each Quarter. But if you flowchart the Walsh cash flow, it doesn't add up.
At the end of 2010, Walsh claimed he still had almost $400,000 in debts. And for the 1st Quarter of 2011, he raised almost $400,000 and spent about $100,000 including paying himself back on some personal loans to the campaign, but he also decided to skip out on almost all of the $400,000 in debt he had at the end of 2010. He is now disputing almost all of it.
Here is the website to look up the FEC reports yourself:
Insider Lake GOP
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