Saturday, July 30, 2011

Deadbeat Walsh, plus court documents

What do you call someone who welshes on his bills, doesn't pay his taxes, loses his driver's license, is a deadbeat dad and lectures others on fiscal responsibility? Congressman Joe Walsh, of course.

Here's Lawrence O'Donnell's take on the hypocrisy that is Joe Walsh:

Rep. Joe Walsh, banned from The Last Word

And here's a bonus: all 82 pages of the documents Joe Walsh's ex-wife filed in December in an attempt to get Walsh to pay Years of back child-support payments ($117,000+) and other expense obligations (another $9K) plus attorneys fees. Good luck with that, Mrs. Walsh. But don't hold your breath.

Petition for RTSC Against Joe - Part 1 [12!7!10]


Anonymous said...

Resign Walsh...Resign. BUT, the IL State Republicans are standing behind this deadbeat.

Kathi said...

Please post information about Joe Walsh on Glenn Beck on Thursday, August 18. He complains about the House Ethics Committee not approving his "fact-finding" mission to Israel. Walsh wants to attend Beck's "Restoring Courage" thing in Israel.