Saturday, July 30, 2011

Deadbeat Walsh, plus court documents

What do you call someone who welshes on his bills, doesn't pay his taxes, loses his driver's license, is a deadbeat dad and lectures others on fiscal responsibility? Congressman Joe Walsh, of course.

Here's Lawrence O'Donnell's take on the hypocrisy that is Joe Walsh:

Rep. Joe Walsh, banned from The Last Word

And here's a bonus: all 82 pages of the documents Joe Walsh's ex-wife filed in December in an attempt to get Walsh to pay Years of back child-support payments ($117,000+) and other expense obligations (another $9K) plus attorneys fees. Good luck with that, Mrs. Walsh. But don't hold your breath.

Petition for RTSC Against Joe - Part 1 [12!7!10]

Thursday, July 28, 2011

***Breaking News....A Dead Beat Dad***


"Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh sued for $100,000 in child support"

That is the headline in the Chicago Sun Times this morning (7/28/11)

Laura, Joe's ex-wife is suing Congressman Walsh for $117,437.00 in back child support.  Of course we have due process in this country so we aren't going to say Joe is on the hook for this much, but if you read the article, he is on the hook for something.  The article goes on to back up the claims of Walsh's fiscal indiscretions that we knew about.  

Many of us wish these types of infractions on personal integrity and core values had made bigger headlines in 2010.  Instead, Joe was able to find a band of merry-men to distract the public from the real issues and faux issues.

This morning the Tea Party and 912 Patriots have egg on their face.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Money for Education, but not in the U.S.A

Not to long ago, as a matter of fact, a year ago, then Candidate Walsh was beating the drum for his Tea Party followers saying we need to abolish the EPA and the Department of Education.  

Recently, a story released by Sam Stein of the Huffington Posts provides the reader with some insight regarding Freshman Republicans lobbying federal agencies for millions of dollars despite the drumbeat of out of control government spending.

Our or maybe your own Congressman Joe Walsh wrote the Department of Agriculture on February 14, asking for $7,498,015 in cash and commodities contributions for the American Nicaraguan Foundation and Fabretto Children’s Foundation — groups that run education, health and nutrition programs in Nicaragua. 

Joe why is it ok to spend millions abroad for education, but not at home?