UPDATE: Joe is holding a "Cup of Joe with Joe," on Saturday June 18...guess where? In Antioch, in the new 14th District. Perfect record so far. No events outside the new 14th since the new maps were passed. Coincidence? We think not.
Since the new Congressional maps were announced, we've been watching Joe Walsh's movements. He has marched in four parades (Wauconda, Lake Villa, Johnsburg, and, yesterday, Harvard) and had one Cup o Joe (Woodstock). What do those five locations have in common? Right. They are in the new 14th District.
QED: Joe Walsh wants to be the 14th district congressman.
Don't expect to see him much in the rest of the 8th District from now on. Good riddance.
Buh bye jackass!
Those of us in the old 8th are rejoicing and just wish could have taken more of our old district with us into the 10th.
Once the gov signs the new Congressional Districts into law, I would personally supply Joe with a U-Haul to haul his district office out of the old 8th.
I just found this blog, thrilled to find more people thinking like me.
I have written email after email to Mr. Walsh when I disagree with his votes or public comments, unfortunately since most everything he does bothers me, I have had reason to write many.
My Congressman, Mr. Walsh, has not once personally replied. Not even the appearance of a personalized response created by a member of his staff made to appear to come from him. All I get back is his standard form letter ending with he works for me(us).
No Joe, you don't. If you did you would do things far different.
I am thrilled the 8th will lose this moron. I feel sorry for the 14th, but hopefully they are smart and will vote his dumb ass out.
That means that those of us in IL-14, meaning those of us in Gurnee unlucky enough to be mapped into IL-10, will be stuck with this charlatan for years. IL-14 is a Republican sinkhole: once Walsh gets in, he's not going anywhere.
Get ready for Illinois' very own Michele Bachmann.
You know, someone should be reading these posings and consulting the map before posting. It's important to get facts straight before opening mouth and inserting foot.
Buh bye jackass? LMAO. Too much thought there to figure out what you want or why you want it.
Walsh will run in the 10th - not the 14th. The 14th belongs to Randy Hultgren.
LC Truth - what do you mean the old 8th? Is that Lake or Cook County? By the way, go get that trailer ready because the folks that gave Walsh the last one already took it back.
Walsh will continue to "act" like he's running everywhere because once he declares, he limits where his in district money comes from. If you check his reports, he raises more money from Barrington and the Southwest corner of Lake County than anywhere else. Once he announces, those dollars go elsewhere.
Hey John, please find me a Congressman (or a Congresswoman) that sends out non pre prepared form letters. That's what the Town Halls are for, or are you too shy to mention your issues here? Just using John, it would be impossible to know who you are. You should change your name to "Shy John".
Hey Anon..., If you were unlucky enough to be cast into the new 10th, why are you so unkuckt to be stuck with this charletin for years? Walsh will lose to Hultgren by 20 points. Duh.
In a presidential election the new 10th is 64% Democrat. Walsh couldn't survive. He wouldn't survive a primary against Bob Dold a more moderate Republican statesman.
Walsh lost the new 10th in 2010 and that was with less than a 40% voter turn-out.
The new 10th does not embrace Walsh's extremist views. He will always get someone to clap for him, but not the majority.
Bad news about Bob Dold being a "more moderate Republican statesman." He's the guest of honor at a town hall Saturday in Vernon Hills sponsored by American for Prosperity. Yes, the same Koch-Brothers-funded AFP that brought is Joe Walsh and the rest of the astroturf Tea Baggers. Bob Dold's true colors come to light...
Did you see this?
Check out the note about Joe Walsh.
7.5 million dollars for the charity he used to work for?
Again, what were this guy's jobs in the past?
What exactly did he do for the Heritage Foundation?
I stumbled across this blog and now know where to find LC Truth and other anti-Walsh fans. Walsh is STILL our 8th District Rep until early 2013 so you need to get over it for another year. He voted today just like he had campaigned he would: against bigger government and more taxes.
Love Joe Walsh! The United States needs more of his kind! I am Ever So Happy if he runs in my district. A great Man...FOR THE PEOPLE! I don't need to be governed! I have common sense! The less government in my life the better!
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