So what could this possibly be? Another bill that will save Medicare from being destroyed? Hardly. Let's pick it apart, shall we?
1. "Thank you, Congressman Joe Walsh for voting to improve and protect Medicare." In Congressman Walsh's opinion, expressed at his town halls, Medicare is irretrievably broken so "something" must be done to "save it." Yes, HR3 will save the government money on Medicare. It will give seniors vouchers for approximately $6000 to go onto the private insurance market and replace their Medicare with insurance. This assumes that insurance companies want to insure people who are highly likely to become sick. Does Joe Walsh believe in the tooth fairy, too?
2. The smiling seniors in the photo are NOT voters in the 8th District, happily endorsing Joe Walsh. They are actors. The image can be purchased, for not very much money, from istockphoto.com.

3. The back of the brochure, there is a headline: "Ending Waste and Abuse in Medicare." HR3 does nothing to accomplish this except promote shorter lives among seniors who can't get adequate (or any) medical coverage. Death panels, indeed.
4. Continuing down the list of "benefits" of HR3 (all posted in blood-red, no less):
"Waste is dramatically reduced."According to conservative site TheDaily.com, "Rep. Ryan wants to squeeze out such waste by turning Medicare from a defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan. This means that instead of paying for a limitless array of medical services for every senior, as is the case now, the government will give seniors a fixed annual sum to use toward their health coverage. Stripped of doublespeak, that means sick people cost too much. When you run out of coverage, tough luck. It will save the government lots of money if you just die. So we can give tax breaks to the rich. (Also no mention of getting rid of actual waste like money that will now be spent fighting our insurance claims. Did you notice that?)
"Current Medicare recipients are protected -- no changes for people 55 and older." People 55 and older would have to be living in caves not to care about someone younger -- children, grandchildren, anyone? -- who would be hurt by this when they get older.
"Sick and poor seniors would actually receive more money for their Medicare coverage."
Yes, they'll get a bigger "insurance support" than healthier, wealthier seniors. But which group do you think insurance companies will run to give coverage to? One guess.
"And future generations will have better sources for their health care as they grow older." If you like being at the mercy of the insurance companies now, wait until you get old and sick!
And the real kicker: Paid for by 60 Plus Association...
What might 60 Plus be? They were founded in 1991 by right-wing direct mailer Richard Vigourie. And according to John Rother, executive vice president of AARP, an independent investigator hired by them found that 60 Plus is a corporate front group sponsored primarily by the pharmaceutical industry. What interest might big Pharma have in enacting Medicare "reform"? Oh, maybe the fact that Medicare limits the amount of money that can be spent on name brand drugs? Nah, that couldn't be it.
Thank you, Joe Walsh, for being on the side of big pharmaceutical companies and rich people who want tax breaks.
(We can't wait to dig into Joe's Federal Election Commission filings next quarter.)
Walsh thinks those over 55 are ignorant and will do an auto-bob to his brochure.
He is off track on this one and we will tell him what we think come 2012 when he doesn't get a second term!
FYI -- HR 3 was not the 2012 GOP Budget plan.
AARP is the most powerful "senior" lobbying group. They should be able to speak to this proposal effectively, even if it supposedly doesn't affect current membership. Surely they would have a far sighted approach to this issue.
Remember when Walsh used to claim that "90% of small businesses support repeal" of the deficit-cutting Affordable Care Act?
Has anybody checked that out? A Google search provides only quotes by Walsh, no data. Did he just make that up?
Walsh is under the impression his opinions are now his facts.
Looks like Blogger has a hiccup with its blog system this week and post/comments after Wednesday disappeared. This particular blog had a great discussion going and I hope the comments return
I already did some digging into the last filing (I consolidated results into the following):
Total $377,187 I'm off by $7K somewhere)
Total from 8th: $156,626 42% (determined the 8th by the zip codes, could be overstated if there are split zips between districts)
Total outside of 8th: $220,561 or 58%
Of the 8th, from Barrington ONLY came $121,975 or 32% of the total or 78% of the 8th. Only 9% of the total came from the 8th outside of Barrington ($34,651). I'll let someone else figure out how many people Barrington addresses represent in a district of over 654,000 people in 2000 (and we know that grew).
From IL outside of the 8th came $53,275 or 14%. Vast majority of this was from Chicago, some business addresses which I think are actually some businesses with 8th district owners.
From outside of the State:
CA - $22,900 or 15%
Out of State - FL $5,167 or 2%
Out of State - IA, MD, VA, RI = 1,550.
Puerto Rico? $2500
Total Out of State $32,117 or 9%, equal to non-Barrington 8th District
Total PACs $135,169 or 36%
As you might imagine, Financial Services (investments) and Insurance are over 25% of the total via individuals and PACS, and that is only what I can identify. Many of the 'Homemakers' appear to be spouses of 'employed' contributors, again, from Barrington. So they got included as Financial or Insurance.
clarifying, they only got included as financial or insurance if spouse was in that group.
I agree that Walsh sucks, but I would get away from the medical arguments on this one. Look at where he gets his money.
Stop selling Obamacare. Stick to ripping Walsh. He has enough baggage. Walsh has more than enough baggage to go around.
I have heard that his Fox lake office is a train wreck. Letters, e-mail's, and phone calls do not get returned or written back. People have written letters asking for his opinions on issues, and Walsh promised folks would NOT get a form letter back. It was a stupid comment for him to make and no one is calling him on it.
I wrote a letter to Walsh back in January and never got a response. I addressed it to Beans old office. When I called his Fox Lake office to ask about it, they said mail had been forwarded to the DC office and then sat there until the Fox Lake office finally opened in February. Since it's now May, I'm guessing I won't see a response.
Walsh can't write....he wants you to come to one of his town halls where you can ask him the question in person, and then he can avoid answering your question if it doesn't align with his personal ideologies.
We are anxiously waiting on the map because Joe may no longer be in the 8th.
Anonymous 5/19 - I reached out with a question in early Feb and did get a form letter back last month. Needless to say had zero to do with the question.
Anon 5/20 - No doubt, he is greatly avoiding putting anything in writing to his constituency.
Article on Joe Walsh in Slate.com
"What Did He Just Say?
Meet Rep. Joe Walsh, the biggest media hound in the freshman class."
Can anyone figure out what the new 8th district boundaries are?
From the looks of the map, Walsh is done (but I guess I shouldn't count the campaign sign prowess of the tea party people out.)
Walsh will be even more useless going forward. He will spend the next year auditioning for this next job, on Fox TV if he's lucky, on WIND if not.
Joe is a flim-flam man. Nothing more. A guy who carries the words "my country" as thought that means anything to someone living in the 8th district, starting a business. Have yet to see him work one day for the 8th district. Plenty of town hall, 6 thousand dollar tabbed meeting, but has done zero for his own district. Sleeps in his office like a drunk frat boy. Yes, he is shooting for a position at FOX, duh!
He is living proof there are a lot of stupid people out there by how many voted for a bankrupt delusional con artist. It ain't your country joe. Trying to bankrupt is a move the terrorist try to do. So, joe by trying to move the country into bankruptcy, is something a very dangerous terrorist would want to happen to this country.
Uh oh,
It's been over a month sonce someone commented on the longest most important issue of the day. Not a good sign if you don't like Walsh.
“I still don’t know my way around the Capitol. I still don’t know how the protocol works on the [House] floor. I could care less,” said Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.). Walsh said his goals were not to legislate; he wants to continue pointing out Obama’s failings.
What a guy!
Walsh is about to get a big surprise. I live in California, but I am sending money to red states to defeat people like him who are an enemy of the people.
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