I had an email from an 8th District Constituent who attended the Schaumburg Town Hall this Week for Congressman Walsh. As a matter of fact, this was his fourth Walsh Town Hall. The below is a reprint of the email and goes to show that Joe is realizing his district is more than his band of merrimen.
"I'm XXXXX and I attended the Joe Walsh Town Hall meeting in Schaumburg last night. This was my fourth one. I attended his very first one in Lake Zurich in December even before he was sworn in. The second was at Harper College. the 3rd was in Deer Park. Last night's meeting was very different from the first two, in more ways than one. The first two were very similar to what I imagine would be a Walsh campaign rally. A real love fest, if you will. Last night was no love fest. He was challenged frequently, sharply, and rapidly when he would put something up on his "power point " presentation that just didn't ring true and was meant to mislead. Also, the crowd wasn't quite so one-sided. In fact, it was about half and half of those in attendance, but about 70 to 80% of the questions and remarks were not Walsh/Tea Party friendly at all. Mr. Walsh showed that he could adjust to the crowd and some of his views were different than the ones he espoused in the first two Town Halls I attended.
Example #1 In December, he said the "defense budget is untouchable, wouldn't cut a thing as long as there was even one uniformed U.S. service person stationed abroad." Last night, after a few challenges, he said the defense budget was on the table.
Example #2 I guess he's heard enough about G.E. not paying taxes and the oil companies getting huge tax breaks, so he sounded like he was going after those also. However, he is of the 'drill baby drill' ilk and on this he has not changed.
As far as money in politics, he has backed off his December motto of "there should even be more money in politics' and now it's " my direct contributions are limited by law" (outlining many of the restrictions placed on direct contributions to candidates) but he unsuccessfully tried to downplay how corporation contributions to outside groups ARE unrestricted thanks to the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. The crowd would not let him get away with this sly deception and let him know it. Those who pointed this out were applauded.
One last thing about the issues - his whole theme was the debt, the deficit, the debt, the deficit but the crowd had other issues in mind, especially the Ryan plan - which by the way, he said he didn't agree with everything in it but failed to say what.
Now for my analysis of Joe Walsh himself. I give him much credit for having all these Town Halls and listening to the voices of his constituents. Of course he pats himself on the back vigorously for this but he still deserves credit. Also, he makes the point that those elected to Congress should not necessarily be blamed for "trying out what they believe in." He's a terrific salesman and most of us would have a difficult time doing what he does, as far as the town halls. That being said, his policies are way out there and his Tea Party crowd's "solutions" are even further "out there" as you can imagine. The ones I spoke with have terrible ideas about taxes and regulations and you'll never convince them otherwise. Fortunately, I think these people are a minority but they are his people, lock, stock, and barrel.